Grab a friend and give this total body conditioning session a shot!
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In teams of 2 complete a 3000m Row as fast as possible. Swop every 250m or 60seconds. Complete 5 burpees after every change over - just because.
Workout - 5 Rounds for Time
A1. Devils Press x 8
A2. Lunge Walk x 15m
A3. Renegade Rows x 8 each arm
- Men’s weight: 15kg - go north (17.5kg) or south (12.5kg) depending on your level
- Women’s weight: 10kg - go north (12.5kg) or south (7.5kg) depending on your level
Devil Press -…
Walking Lunge -…
Renegade Row -…
Functional Strength - 3/4 Rounds not for time - 1 works, 1 rests.
B1. Sled Rope Pull (x2 lengths of rope or Approx 20m)
B2. Sled Push (Straight Arm)
- Pull with 1 arm at a time in a piston fashion
- Go heavy and aim to increase the weight every set.
- Men start: 70kg (north or south)
- Women start: 50kg (north or south)…
Like this but heavier!
C1. Burpee Plank Ladder 10:1
- Back with your partner; Partner 1 holds a plank, partner 2 performs 10 burpees.
- After completion partner 2 holds a plank and partner 1 performs 9 burpees.
- Alternate turns and remove 1 burpee each set till complete: 10/9/8/7…....1
Spice it up a notch - Perform 10 burpees each, then 9 each, then 8 each etc.
Enjoy and let me know how you got on.