Here at Project DXB we put a big emphasis on 3 big things - TRAINING, NUTRITION and COMMUNITY.
When it comes to training we really focus not only on over all conditioning and cardiovascular fitness but on STRENGTH. One of the reasons our members are continually seeing amazing results and progress is due to the nature of our sesisons being more focused on increasing lean muscle and strength. Doing so not only prevents the risk of injury, helps in day to day tasks and improves posture but it drastically changes the shape of your body for the better!
When it comes to increasing strength there are 2 exercises which are notorious for creating the greatest results and we are constantly teaching, improving and testing our members with these! They are of course the squat and the deadlift. However, todays post is going to focus on my favourite and the king of all exercises - The Deadlift.

So why should you be deadlifting? Well if I haven’t sold you already on why increasing your overall strength is a GREAT thing then hopefully showing you the benefits of deadlifting will.
- More bang for your buck - If you think hitting some bicep curls is going to get you the body of your dreams you are wrong. But deadlifting will. Deadlifts activate more overall muscle fibre in the body than any other single exercise. Starting from the ground up they activate the calves, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, core, erector spinae (lower back), forearms, lats and traps. (Alongside numerous smaller muscle groups)
- Back pain - Why is this a benefit? Well it’s 100% not but almost all lower back pain stems from weak glutes and weak spinal erectors...but guess what? Deadlifts are one of the greatest exercises for strengthening both of these providing they are done properly.
- Train like an athlete, look like an athlete - Deadlifting mimics the movements in real life and in sport due to the nature of the extension from the hip and knees. You’ll struggle to find a pro athlete in most sports who doesn’t have some form of deadlifts in their strength and conditioning routine. If the best in the world see the benefit then surely we should too!?
- Abs are made in the kitchen...wrong! Abs are revealed in the kitchen but built in the gym...with DEADLIFTS. Forget crunches, russian twists and planks. If you want to build solid abs start deadlifting! The true core activation required for a heavy deadlift is huge in comparison to that of a crunch or plank.
- They are for everyone. Deadlifting can be taught safely and effectively to most individuals providing they don’t have any pre-existing mobility or medical conditions. There are dozens or regressions and variations to ensure the deadlift can be taught to anyone who wants to learn. Trap bar deadlifts, kettlebell deadlifts, barbell deadlifts, stiff leg deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, single leg deadlifts, deficit deadlifts and snatch grip deadlifts are just a few regressions, progressions and variations of the deadlift.
Deadlift variations: Sumo I Trap Bar I Deficit
Notable mentions - deadlifing builds a peachy butt, deadlifts suit the shorter guys and gals (smaller levers make lifting heavier easier on the most part), the increase of natural testosterone levels, Bruce lee deadlifted and of course the ability to lift heavy weights and feel like a bad ass.
So why not learn to deadlift? Come down to our sessions at ProjectDXB and we will teach you how to deadlift safely and effectively in order to build muscle and strength alongside improving your posture, your physique, your performance and give you something to brag about in the office when you lift your first 100kg off the ground!